Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Post 23

17:10 Marpenoth 12 1375

*Sunset in 10 minutes*

I will check to make sure there are no spots on my spy glass, then double check my sights. If the objects are still there I will squint at them without the spy glass and grunt to myself "Huuuh?". If I still see these objects I will ring the alarm bell. "Objects aproachin' dead ahead!" I will continue to monitor the objects until I can give a positive identification on them.

You call out to the rest of the crew who rush to take their positions. You continue to watch the objects with interest. After about 5 minutes of anticipation you finally start to make out a figure mounted upon a flying beast of some type. It is getting difficult to see as the sun is setting directly behind them. You call out to the rest of the crew what you are seeing and the gnomes rush about and begin to arm the ballistae and prepare their firearms.

As it gets closer you can finally make out what approaches. A lone dark skinned gnome sits tall in the saddle of a beautiful griffon, feathers colored golden with white tips. Three brightly colored gems float about his head and he wears tight red clothing with a golden cloth wrapped around his neck.

One of the gnomes calls out "It's Biddlequick! He's alive!" Biddlequick was thought to have been killed when he fell overboard in a dangerous battle with the Zhentarim near Zhentil Keep months ago! He circles the ship and yells something out to you while waving his hands over his head. You strain your neck and cup your ear trying to hear over the wind. "I'- --ing ----ed! The-'-- c------ --om b-l--- --!" Try as you might you cannot hear what Biddlequick is trying to say, the gnomes cheering below you on deck do not help the situation. As he circles, he points below the ship. You notice a worried look on his face. Then you quickly decipher his message- "I'm being pursued! They're coming from below us!"

It must be the Zhentarim.

Somehow Biddlequick escaped yet he was pursued all the way across the realms. He must have remembered the plot of your ship. He has never ceased to amaze the crew with his picture perfect memory. He can see anything once and recall every last detail.

Your mind begins to reel and you feel a sinking feeling in your gut. You feel your throat closing up.

Roll a Constitution check to open your maw and call out to your comrades, otherwise you will have to wait 1 round before you can speak. You normally aren't this taken aback being a hardened sailor and all, but the Zhentarim are bad news and you already lost your best friend Snadle to them in the last attack. His memory gives you strength and you get a +2 to your Con check!

*Lazzard roll a CON +2 check to warn the gnomes and the PCs of the danger below!*

Friday, December 26, 2008

Post 22

16:30 12 Marpenoth 1375

At my first chance I will go amongst the crew and begin questioning the petty officer that I have access to in a non-busy situation:
"Sir, you are well met. I must admit a great deal of ignorance in the ways of the Gnomish tribes, would you be willing to share a meal and drink with me to educate one ignorant to your ways? I have been allotted a ration of daily rum that I, unfortunately, am unable to partake of." Should the officer accept I will first get them to talk of Gnomish culture and gently guide the conversation towards Dwarves: "So, friend, what about your cousins, the Dwarves? We will be joining them shortly ... what should a traveler know about their manners and ways? None of our party are well versed in what makes them tick." I will use all of my rum ration to loosen his tongue and share my portion of meat rations with him as well.

Dominu speaks with Boatswain Grimnod, who gladly accepts his portion of rum. "Dwarves are tricky ones, aye, very tricky. They like not the big surface folks like yourself. But I do know one very good way to make them see straight. Tug on their beards, it is a sign of respect to them. They also like it when you pat on their heads. Watch out for their sharpened teeth, their warrior class does like to bite!"

*Dominu - Roll a Wisdom check

Larper keeps to himself below deck, pouting over his cider and occasionally engaging in calisthenics. He also frequents the stable where Leonard is being kept to ensure he is fed and well taken care of.

The hard cider is strong and after about 10 pints Larper spills his entire life story to Leonard the horse who listens intently while an entire sack of oats is spread about his on board stables by the drunken Larper.

I'll re memorize charm person and wait for Dominu to get back to me on advice for our mission.
Then I wander about the ship and make conversation with the gnomes.

You study your spell book for a time while the shouting and clanking noises sound above deck. After studying for 11 minutes, you stand up and slam the top of your head into the bunk directly above you for 1 temporary damage point. Rubbing your head and cursing aloud you toss your spell book into your pack and sling it over your shoulder. You then proceed to the top deck and look about for a gnome to converse with. There is a fellow directly above you in a crow's nest. You actually wouldn't mind taking a look at the view but you do remember Section 134, Article 12, Verse B of the document you signed. It stated that "no unauthorized member of the crew may climb or sit in a crow's nest without approval from a member who has access, or by assignment or temporary allowance by the Admiral himself. If the Admiral is not available, the next available ranking officer may grant a temporary allowance for such an individual wishing access to the crow's nest." You look up at Lazzard, the gnome in the nest above you.

Working atop the nest I suppose.... It sure is a bit
windy today. Looking out for high flying bugs, they
get in my mouth all the time at these low elevations.

Lazzard, while scanning the horizon you notice a couple dark specs in the distance. You can't tell if they are heading towards you, or you towards them.

They are airborne though and on a direct collision course with the ship!

*Lazzard make your move.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Post 21

15:55 12 Marpenoth 1375

As the debriefing continues, Larper's posture devolves into a disappointed slump as his dreams of vanquishing orcs across battle fields and rallying with fellow soldiers are dashed. The details of this quest are exactly the opposite of what he was hoping for. How is he supposed to be celebrated as a hero when acting as a bodyguard in a city overflowing with capable dwarven warriors? As Azora continues with the details, Larper detaches into his own inner complaints and is no longer paying attention to his direction.

Larper slouches into a childish showing of boredom and disappointment and shoots impatient looks at the floor, ceiling and walls. He refrains from speaking, his only comments are long exaggerated sighs. This goes largely unnoticed by the group until he blurts...

"A horse can't even fit in dwarven dwellings!!!"



Azora says nothing, but takes note of Larper's eagerness--and is sympathetic. He sits down and prepares magic missile.

As I watch Larper slump into his seat, obviously growing disheartened, I will place my hand on his shoulder and say "brother, do not despair, I sense that there will be much reckoning of souls for the Lord of the Dead in the coming days. On the surface this appears to be a simple mission of guarding against petty treachery, but what lies on the surface does not match the currents below. Prepare yourself and your steel."


Lazzard reaches the top of the mast. Once he reaches the top he clears his ears to equalize the presure build up by holding his nose and blowing as hard as he can. His ears pop, he shakes his bald head back and forth. "Ayyye, much better." He makes himself comfortable, placing his goggles on over his eyes, and a fur cape + scarf he borrowed from the last look out he swapped watches with. "Here now, lets have a looky." Lazzard removes his spy glass lens from its leather pouch and rolls up his hard leather scroll. Placing the lens in the rolled up scroll, he clamps down to hold them in place. He looks side to side.
If Lazzard spots something of interest he will sound the bloody alarm, what ever it may be. I am sure Lazzard knows. Elsewise Lazzard sets his spy glass down to take a swig from his flask. Keeping warm is important at these altitudes. He then goes back to looking around. He will even look around the ship dock to make sure that nothing a stray is going on. Especially with the gnomes.

Wympbumpe reports to Admiral Toenail. At which point he retires downstairs to the engine room, where he belongs, to help out.

Post 20

15:40 12 Marpenoth 1375

After everyone has settled in and deposited their gear to their rooms you all meet with Azora privately for a debriefing. Larper, you notice Azora seems a little frustrated with the space situation in your shared room since you have pots, pans, and even a pony keg in there.

Azora speaks at a volume scarcely above the hum of the clockwork airship's whirring gears, and raises an eyebrow before speaking.

"Waiting until we were in medias res before going over details of our duties was necessary—aboard the airship, we are not subject to any scrying spells except those cast by the gnomes themselves. And they are trusted—if fastidious—allies."

"We serve Silverymoon, officially there to observe the coronation of the new king, Dendarban Yveldson Mythrilhelm of Moradin's Shield, as King Kherban Bekkleweld Mythrilhelm of Moradin's Hammer recently passed away. The ceremony is as much a celebration of King Kherban's life and honor as it is a ritual anointing the new king. The halls of Eartheart will swell with the statesmen in attendance. Representatives from friendly nations as far away as Calimshan and Anauroch will be there."

"In official capacities, these emissaries are expected to pay homage to a great dwarf who served his people and to offer the new king counsel and friendship. Serving Lady Alustriel, we are no exception."

"In unofficial capacities, more subtle agencies of statecraft will be employed as competing nations and cities vie for preference—"

[The engine makes a strange noise suddenly. Some yelling is heard above deck and after some pounding sounds the engine noise returns to normal.]

Azora continues as if uninterrupted.

"…vie for preference over important trade routes the dwarves in Eartheart oversee and for trade with the dwarves themselves. Fortunes are made with the goodwill of the dwarves of the Great Rift, whose predilection for the finest gems, the most flawless precious metals and exquisite craftsmanship of the highest caliber is of standards expected only from the most powerful dwarven nation in the Realms."

"The dwarves, of course, are aware of all of this, and have taken precautions necessary to keep the celebration from growing mired in intrigue—though they must have their own purposes. The invitation of nondwarves to the ceremony anointing the new king is unprecedented, and the statesmen of Silverymoon expect that King Dendarban has broken tradition because he fears rumors of Eartheart's weakness now that he is to be king. Expect demonstrations of Eartheart's strength as the new king lets the world know that the dwarves of the Great Rift are as formidable, if not more so, than they have ever been."

"Now, for our roles. Silverymoon officials have reason to believe that the dwarves of Eartheart are being spied upon, though how, and by whom, is unknown. It is feared that the dwarves' planned demonstrations of strength—a strength that the peace of the region relies upon—is being undermined. More than a few disagreements have been settled with words instead of swords because the parties involved feared angering the dwarves of Eartheart."

"In addition to representing Silverymoon as emissaries, we are to seek out evidence of this rumor and do what we can to protect the king and the dwarves' reputation. As a party, we are perfect because we will be so readily overlooked. Some of the Realms' most renowned sages, famous generals, powerful wizards and richest merchants will be in attendance. We will be invisible among them."

"You were hired as bodyguards, though not quiet ones. Dominu, may I ask you to discuss with the gnomes aboard the ship nuances of dwarven etiquette we should be prepared for? And Larper"—here Azora winces at the memory of beer breath and sleep farts—"try not to get too drunk."

Azora, Larper, and Dominu - Make your statements and actions known via email to the DM ONLY!
Lazzard & Wympbumpe - Where are you on the ship and what are you doing? Also, please make your private reponses to the DM ONLY!

Post 19

Above: Preliminary airship diagrams drawn up by Gnomish Explorer Yodel Swindelfoot in the year 1288 after discovering ancient airship wreckage buried deep underneath the Gnomish Empire.

I silently take the verbal assault and when it appears to be over I say, in an even tone: "Admiral, I do not mean to be rude. I simply take my obligations VERY seriously and now that I have had the time to review that document I will fulfill my obligations to the letter. Unto death and judgment. Reprimand and outbursts will not be necessary."

In response to the immediate issue with Admiral Toenail:

"My apologies, Admiral." There is no irony in my voice or demeanor. I stand beside Larper and await further instruction.

"Hey now everyone. We're all here for the same reason so there's no call for anger. I'll ask that you reserve your judgment of my companions until you witness our might in a skirmish!"

I enthusiastically kneel down and clasp the gnomes shoulders and mistaking them for dwarves start introducing myself.

(In dwarven)
"Well met friends! I am Larper of Sundabar, son of Dellium and heir to the Eyearrell empire. What manner of vessel is this? Do you have a tavern? What region are you from? Have you brought ales? Care for some cider?"

I'll heft up my pony keg of cider on to my shoulders and expectantly hold the spigot down to the gnomes' faces.

Admiral Toenail puts his hands over his eyes and groans. "Dogalif Doog..."


Lazzard doesn't have to take part in the document signing being a Gnomish crew member already.
Lazzard, you're up in a crow's nest serving as lookout. You have a long spyglass and are surveying the entire area around your ship. It is a clear day aside from a few fluffy white clouds. Fairly warm for Fall, especially this far North. The sun is shining down and you feel quite invigorated. It's almost time for a drink! You are starting to climb in altitude.

15:22 12 Marpenoth 1375

After many hours of negotiation and Admiral Toenail's rambling you all finally sign the documentation.

Wympbumpe steps forward after interpreting for the admiral.

"Please forgive my Uncle, I mean the admiral. He is a proud man. He is very learned and has seen much of Faerun in his many years of traveling; though he gets frustrated with the larger folks. He always thinks they are looking down upon him."

I open the door of his cabin. As it opens, it hits the face of an eavesdropping gnome. About 10 gnomes around him go from looking completely surprised to acting like they are going about business in a matter of seconds. "What are you doing? You fools mind yourselves or I'll give you a free flying lesson! Who's on deck now, anybody?? You there, Snizwillis, aren't you to be on watch now?"

Continuing on, "Of course, an explanation of our customs is in order. Please allow me to show you more of the ship while I explain some basics."

"Give the admiral the evening to fume, come tomorrow he'll be back to his old self. First thing to know is that this is his ship, therefore his law. What he says goes, and that may change from day to day. Get used to that. Show him respect deserved to his status and you'll be on his good side. The men on this ship are fiercely loyal to him because he is fair, just and most of all pays well."

I open the hatch to the common area. Two gnomes sit smoking pipe weed while another plays fiddle and a couple dance. A game of chance is being played among three gnomes in the corner. They see you and say "YARR!" almost in unison. "Here we have the common room. You'll find gnomes here almost any time of day." The space is cramped by human standards. The whole party takes up nearly 3/4 of the room.

The cook calls over to Wympbumpe in Gnomish. "The cook asks if you're hungry. As per your status you will be rationed fresh meat and vegetables, a luxury reserved for officers and dignitaries. Not to mention rum, not just grog, but real 100% rum."

Wympbumpe shows them the rest of this deck, passing the ladder (stairs) to the engine room. "You're not to go down here, understand? That is of course if you value your lives. If you want to know how to avoid severe punishment then don't think about entering the engine room."

Leading them on the way to their rooms past some sleepy looking gnomes he gives further instruction "You'll be awakened early to go over your new duties. We have recently lost a large portion of our crew and need all the help we can get. The work may seem demeaning at first but you'll learn some valuable skills and be doing us a huge favor. A favor that we'll repay in gold. You'll each receive the 50th gnome's cut."

"Remember, talking back to the admiral or a superior or disregarding their orders could be seen as mutiny. Mutiny is not looked upon kindly as you can imagine, much like treason on land. The Master-at-arms is only too eager to inflict punishment on transgressors. You may be large but he can still make you hurt and how! Also magic is frowned upon on this ship, unless authorized. Sir Azora, we kindly ask you to refrain from magic use on this vessel unless otherwise permitted. No offense to your skills but some wizardly magic can interfere with the steam powered centrifuge... Oh crap. I shouldn't have said that...... All the same, keep your spells to yourself for now."

Wympbumpe opens the door to a small room. "Sir Azora and Lord Larper these will be your quarters. It may be cramped, but I'm sure you'll make due."

Cramped would be an understatement. Head room is nonexistent and if you put your head at one end of the bunk you cannot extend your legs. Yet there are two bunks and a chest under them for your equipment.

"One more thing, purple is the color of commanding officers. Please don't wear that color unless you enjoy the taste of lead. Have a good night gentlemen, I must say it has been a pleasure to meet you."

"Prelate, if you'd follow me please." Wympbumpe leads Dominu to his quarters. "Due to previous arrangements with your matriarch you will have your own room. You may do as you wish here, but understand this, your god is most feared by our people. After the Time of Troubles, any god with his profile is reviled amongst gnomes. It will take much work to undo this preconception. But I trust that you will prevail with your wisdom. I'll leave you to yourself. Good night Prelate Dominu."

Your room is much like Azora and Larper's but you are the only occupant. While cramped it is not too uncomfortable.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Post 18

13:42 12 Marpenoth 1375

Larper signs the document and stands alert, waiting for more information.

Dominu reads the document, slowly and in its entirety. Assuming that the document does not put me in a position to do anything that a LN cleric of Kelemvor would find untowards I will eventually sign the document, but not before making it very clear that I find having to sign documents of agreements once I am well into the embarkation to be in very bad form. I would have liked to have know about legal matters (which I take very seriously) before leaving on this journey.

If everything checks out, I sign the document. Unhappily.

Having signed the document, I, too, look forward to receiving substantive information regarding the mission.

Azora looks to the slack-jawed yokels gathered to gawk at the ship, then shrugs and signs.

"Mr. Loudhorn, could you elaborate on the gnomish aviation laws we're to follow to avoid execution? And after, could you point my friends and I to our lodgings so that we might have a little privacy?"

The Admiral's face turns read. His hands hit the table as he stands and the ink well falls over. [in gnomish] "You humans! Your people have requested us to deliver you to the Great Rift safely! And this how you treat us? Your attitude is not welcome here Prelate Dominu. Anymore back talk and you'll find your self scrubbing the deck with our 'holy book.' I would expect more from you, considering the references I have received from your Matriarch! She would be most displeased to hear of your hesitance. Having a priest of death on board is not exactly a good omen! If you are so great perhaps you can summon us some wind to expedite our travel. Or better yet, if you speak for the whole of your church and Silverymoon you must have the power to teleport us there now. But since you have neither of these powers, and therefore not helpful to us, you should just keep your mouth shut. My men are battle hardened and do not take insults lightly. Consider that while on my vessel."

"And you, Sir Azora. Your words are like a slap to my face! Mister? Am I your servant? No. Let's get this one thing straight. While on MY ship you call me Admiral. I will forgive this one transgression, but should your tongue slip again you will find yourself kissing the Gunner's Daughter while my Master-at-Arms teaches you some manners with a cat-o-nine-tails. The pretentious wizard attitude is most unwelcome here. We do not take kindly to Mages especially ones from Thay or Zhentil Keep. Consider yourself warned."

"Before we are too far gone, ask yourselves now: What is more important? Your pride? or, the mission that you have been selected for? Remember what you represent. I doubt the proud dwarves would take your attitudes as leniently as I have, you may end up finding yourselves stuck in one of their gulags."

"Good Sir Larper, please forgive my harsh words. It was you alone who did the right thing."

Eric has been deemed as partial DM while you all are onboard the airship. This is due to his character having such close ties to the location in which you will be spending all of your time on this journey. I will still be the DM and have the final word, but Eric will help with anything regarding the gnomes or the airship including responding and assisting me in writing posts. I hope everyone is OK with that. If not, please take this up with Admiral "Toenail" and he'll set you straight! ;)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Post 17

13:02 12 Marpenoth 1375

After being shown to your quarters you are all summoned to the deck. "All hands above deck!" The sound of many footsteps climbing the ladder fills your ears.

Above deck you see gnomes running about preparing the ship. You see a heavy gnome in fine attire watching directing a younger gnome as the younger gnome barks orders.

"You there! Gaff the sail to the boom!" Yells the young gnome.
"Wrong gaff you dolt! On the OTHER side of the bollard!" His voice now a higher pitch.
"Three hounds are missing! Who ever has them reattach them NOW!" The gnome throws his hat on the deck "Quit frigging in the rigging!"
"Fizzwizzle! prepare the handy Billy, hand over fist handsomely!" A gnome in attire much like 'captain' runs and barks to a couple of gnomes who grab some block and tackle and start to draw the lines.
"We're almost ready!" He blows a whistle. "Stoke the furnace! Remove the gangplank! Loosen the lanyard!"
A gnome runs to a lever and pulls and a series of bells goes off. Another gnome runs to the plank leading to the tower. One of the sages, landside, starts uncoiling the ropes from the mooring.
Steam starts bellowing from the chimney.

You feel your stomachs in your throat as the ship drops then immediately afterward your stomach is in your feet as the ship elevates. [CON check for landlubbers to resist motion sickness.] Though the sails are not yet completely unfurled the ship seems to float.

"Run the rigging boys and let's set sail!" As the whistle blows the rest of the crew, all sweating, draw the lines and the sails unfurl. The light wind catches and fills the sails, and with a jerk the boat flies forward.

After leaving Silverymoon the action dies down a bit. The sailors make sure that nothing is left undone. They run about like madmen occasionally pushing some of the party out of the way as they grumble in gnomish. Then the whistle blows again.

"Pipe the side! Starboard side of the quarterdeck!" The sailors stop what they are doing and line up. "If you'd please join us travelers."

The younger gnome stands in front. The 'captain' paces in front of the crew. He speaks in gnomish but the younger gnome translates into common.
The older gnome is Admiral Toenail, and he will be addressed as such. His pea-coat is royal purple. He wears a hat similar to Wympbumpe's but its color is brown felt.

The younger gnome wears a bright red pea-coat and a oil slicked black wide brimmed hat with a black feather. The brim of the hat is folded up in the front to show his face. He wears goggles and his face is shaved smooth, an uncommon trait among gnomes. He wears a plate gorget, neck and upper chest armor, as his only piece of protection. Other than that he wears a velvet vest and purple sash and a wide collared white shirt underneath.

Admiral "Toenail" speaks and Wympbumpe translates.

"Hheull Keppi Woon Woon"
"The highly educated and well trained Admiral Bimpwinkle "Toenail" Swindlefoot would like to address the group aboard his airship."
"Yyesl Boott Book Loopy loop Feddelwichk!"
"We are most pleased to provide the Ambassador of Silverymoon with escort on our marvelous airship the Breuddwyd SF Cloud Cutter.”
“Ywe Ywe, Kewwgimbot Dellywag. Simboo Laetar Faerun depet Cormyr, de Moonsea, de Baldur’s Gate, de Waterdeep, de beu beuti mettle. Silverymoon fe Deww Uio! De Wui Gnomish Empire iu Ceoi!”
“We have travelled far and wide. Most of Faerun, from Cormyr to the Moonsea, from Baldur’s Gate to Waterdeep and your city of Silverymoon is the most beautiful and magical place we have seen save the Gnomish Empire of course!”
“Heewwek Whiieet Whiieet Dumblewhak whak whaddik Woot!”
“There is much to do and much to discuss, but for now let us travel below deck to look over and sign some documents from the Gnomish Empire.”
“Loeeo Lepie”
“Please, follow me.”

After the speech, Wympbumpe and Admiral Toenail retire with the group to sign paperwork stating that they will not disclose any information about this ship or its destination, crew or cargo to anybody. Also agreeing to obey any and all gnomish aviation laws while upon the vessel under penalty of punishment up to and including execution as dictated by the Master-at-Arms or Admiral. If refused the entire party will be dropped off immediately.

[Read/Write Gnomish? Email the DM for more descriptive details on these Gnomish documents]

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Post 16 - Lazzard

12:22 12 Marpenoth 1375


played by "Dave the DM"

Character Background:

Lazzard is a lover of life, and does what he is told. He looks like Mr. Clean and loves to drink, smoke, and kill large animals, dolphins, and small kittens. He hates cats and his ex wife, sings about her all the time though, and will often smack his companions on the ass to show his comradery towards them. Once you are his friend you are his friend for life. He has STD s and brags about it. No one can tie a boyscout knot or walk a rope like Lazzard. He is always polite to those who employ him, but will still sleep with their wives if he gets the chance. He carves whale teeth and sells them on the side. He was raised by wolves according to himself, and when he lets loose in port he loves to go to the tavern and meet the working ladies for an after hour cocktail.

"Lazzard reporting as ordered captain."

Ok, Lazzard is among Gnomes. I am sure he is capable of speaking gnomish then, and he can work as a translater for the new land lubbers. Are any of the females in the crowd attractive? That will be the first thing on Lazzards mind, He is a sailor after all.

Lazzard is watching as the people begin to gather round beneath the city. In Gnomish Lazzard barks orders to some of his fellow riggers as they prep the ship "Fasten that harness Laddy, she is looking a bit slack, just like your mommas...." Just then he spots a beautiful girl in the crowd and stiffens up to eliminate any of his beer belly that might be showing underneath his really tight white shirt. He flexes his pythons and winks in her direction. "The ladies are already crazy for me. This will be better than exploring the brothals of the Colonies at the Islands of Marsarra, don't you think Giddet" He nudges one of his Gnomish comrades in the side with his elbow. "Dont worry Giddet, how were we supposed to know that she was really a man. I won't tell if you won't." He lets out a bellow of a laugh. Lazzard turns around to return to his duties. "Avast yee lazzy Gnomes, lazzard is here to lift yer loads and carry away ye mothers." With that he goes about his duties upon the ship. ....... After a quick swig from the old Flask. It help suppress the itching below...

Post 15 - Wympbumpe Abersaximous Loudhorn

12:15 12 Marpenoth 1375

Wympbumpe Abersaximous Loudhorn
played by Eric Madsen

Character Background:

The story begins with Wympbumpe's grandfather Yodel Swindelfoot a famous adventurer/explorer. He and a group of other well known gnomes discovered ruins belonging to a lost civilization. This culture was quite advanced compared to the rest of Faerun. Using Loadstones and Spelljamming technomancy the people of this culture made great flying ships and sailed the southern skies lording over their realm. For unknown reasons this civilization fell into ruin as did their great flying ships.

After many years of failed experimentation by Yodel and his daughter Butternose (Wympbump's mother), and his 7 sons "Toenail" (his sailing moniker) Bimpwinkle, Bimpnock, Raulwick, Cobbbel, Alvin "Shinystone", Garl, Phryddie not to mention a team of the greatest gnomish minds of the age, paid for by Yodel's fortune made through adventuring, built the first working prototype.

Fast forward 80 years. The balance of technology and magic has stabilized for the most part. It's always been difficult for Gnomes to work with magic. But where magic fails technology permits. Everyday for many years Wympbumpe has worked on the great Swindlefoot flying armada. 10 fully working airships in the employment of the Great Emperor Corymadge, the pride of the Gnomish kindom of Anfonwch. Wympbumpe's father Garcillius Abersaximous Loudhorn lead rifler/weaponsmith/armorer and cousin to the Emperor's Adviser has tutored him into a fine smith, even letting him stay at the Dwarven kingdom during a diplomatic visit.

Currently, Wympbumpe travels upon the Breuddwyd a SF (SwindleFoot) Cloud Cutter. The captain is his Uncle Bimpwinkle "Toenail" Swindlefoot. Due to Wympbumpe's young age he is not allowed to sail with the more combat ready Galleons. The Breuddwyd was designed to be swift, maneuverable and elegant. This is the prototype of the Emperor's personal craft, with a few modifications. The Breuddwyd has been seen sailing the skies as far north as Zhentil Keep (may the gods keep us from visiting that place again!) to Silverymoon with a few stops in between. Few, if any, folks have seen such a craft and it always draws huge crowds as it flies by. For this reason alone Captain Toenail typically sails under the cover of night, especially after the incidents at Zhentil Keep. Whatever mission the Emperor commands of the Breuddwyd, whether it is an important delivery, passenger or recon, the captain and crew are expected to fill to the letter. Things have gone smoothly but for losing 5 crewmen to the cursed wizards of the Zhentarim. But the Gnomes had their revenge and have earned the hatred of the Zhentarim for years to come.

Orders have come to Captain Toenail that he is to serve the empire by attending the coronation of the new king of the Great Dwarven Empire. Located in the Great Rift, a place that Wympbumpe has never been but has heard much of, it is quite exciting. Though Uncle Bimpwinkle's mood is less than what would be expected for such a great mission. Surely his sour mood stems from the loss of those sturdy crewmen who bravely gave their lives. No one, especially a Swindlefoot, would turn down such an honor. The ties between the Gnomes and Dwarves are strong and given that they are such staunch allies our presence is not only requested but necessary. Failure would be a slap in the face to the mighty Dwarves.

His siblings of sailing age currently serve on Galleons, ready at anytime to answer the call to war.

Post 14

12:01 12 Marpenoth 1375

The streets of Silverymoon are strangly quiet. Walking toward the point of embarkation a boy yells from across the street pointing in the air.

"There's a ship in the sky! There's a ship in the sky!"

Truely? You wonder. Silverymoon is home to many fantastic sites, but none so great as what you witness. Looking toward where the boy is pointing you see a large vessel floating, docked to the Vault of the Sages. As you draw closer a very large crowd of townsfolk have gathered to watch. By the crowd's size and density it looks as though the whole town has come to take a look. Some people gasp in awe, while others jeer mocking the strange looking vessel. Looking closely you see figures on this strange vessel running about, now and again shouts and whistles can be heard.

Steam pours from a spout on the top of the craft between two large masts, their sails being loosened and furled. The sails are white and the bottom of the hull is painted sky blue. Even though the ship is airborn there is a keel and rudder, to those that know, it appears to be a seaworthy vessel if needed. Upon the mast and stern fly a series of flags. [ PLAYERS: heraldry check ]

You move to enter the Vault of Sages but are blocked by a magical forcefield. An old sage steps forward from the building and slowly and thoughtfully takes each step down to street level. The sage wears plain white robes with what looks like a large holy symbol dangling around his neck. As he gets closer you realize it is the symbol of Silverymoon, not a holy symbol. He appears fairly old for a human and has a long white beard and specticles. He moves towards your group, looking you over before holding a hand out towards Azora. "Hail and well met men. I am Huram, sage of Silverymoon. I was sent by Lord Taern "Hornblade" to see you off. Azora, you represent Silverymoon on your journey. We ask that you please remember this in your actions. Your choices affect us all. That said, you do us a great honor by travelling this great distance... Ambassador." Huram winks and smiles knowingly and turns to the rest of the group. "Here, you look trustworthy." Huram thrusts a small object towards Dominu "This is a magical device. If you turn the little glass bead at the end of the rod it will send a signal to us that you are in trouble. We will send help. Use this only if it is a life or death situation. Understand?" The device is a tiny red metal rod with a glass spherical ball attached to the end. It is featureless other than that.

Huram steps aside and speaks a few words to allow just you three into the forcefield. He leads your group up the stairs, into the building, and finally up to the top floor of the highest tower where the magical flying airship awaits!

He looks each and every one of you in the eyes.

Azora - "Remember who you represent. It is not only Silverymoon, it is also our great lady of magic."

Larper - "Although your gear is most comical you have brought a couple things which may be of use on this journey. Try and figure out what they are before your time runs out."

Dominu - "Your presence was unknown to me in my scrying. Perhaps you will serve a purpose unknown as of yet on your great journey. Keep an eye on the warrior fellow, he'll need some help."

"Have a safe journey my friends. I pray to the great goddess Mystra for your safe return."

The ship, fully 65 ft in length is comprised mostly of wood, though there are metal brackets bracing the masts and various areas near the edge of the deck. The ship itself vibrates as though something large is moving beneath the deck. A plank connects the ship to its docking point and a couple of Gnomish sky sailors stand at attention in what seems to be dress clothes. Their outfits seem outlandish to the uninitiated. Wide brimmed hats with a long pea coat buttoned to the top the collar raised to nose level. Goggles cover their eyes, each sailor is armed with a sword, sheathed at this time. They welcome you aboard the Bruddwyd in broken common.

*Extra thanks goes out to Eric Madsen for his help on this post!*

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Post 13 - Azora Charbonneau

11:00 12 Marpenoth 1375

Azora Charbonneau
played by Tom Kloser

Character Background:

While the wealth of the Zulkirs is predicated upon slavery, not all merchants in Thay are slave traders. The magocracy relies on magic to defend and entrench its power, and magic users need spell components.

Azora's mother was a spell components dealer working for the Red Wizards of Thay. She sold mostly to the civilizations of the Underdark, who needed components only available on the surface, and conversely, bought spell components from Underdark cities, things for which there was no surface counterpart. My father was her escort, a low-ranking Red Wizard assigned to help protect her as she dealt with drow, deep gnome, duergar and illithid communities.

At 14, Azora was abandoned when his parents participated in a drow raid on a deep gnome city. Alone, he made his way to Silverymoon, where he continued the arcane training begun with his father.

Post 12

21:08 11 Marpenoth 1375

I give Dominu & Larper 15 Moons each for the night's lodgings and supplies, then I retreat to my own room.


I carry around my neck a small Sfirvneblin necklace, which is a small copper pickaxe around a copper chain. I took it from a fallen deep gnome when I left the city my ***** **** ****, and I wear it as a reminder of those who have died and will die if I fail in the course of serving *** ******. It is plain enough so that, if discovered, it wouldn't really give anything away.

I ready charm person, and I pray to Mystra for her protection, and for the safekeeping of my new comrades, *** ****** ***** ****** ***** ******** ********* ****. I also say a short prayer to Kelemvor, and ask for his blessing in borrowing his priest to serve Midnight/Mystra--my patron and his friend. I pray for ** ****** and for those who serve her, and for the forgiveness of the gods when she is delivered from ****** ******.


(Dominu) I will stay with Azora if the room is available.


I decline separate lodging and will stay in the room provided for us. However I spend most of the night pub crawling around silverymoon and splurge on a huge steak dinner when I'm wasted at the end of the night. I stumble into the shared lodging completely hammered and bloated, pass out, and spend the rest of the morning snoring and farting.


If I am awoken by Larper as he enters the room I will say "I trust that you will exercise greater discipline when we are abroad. Danger and reckoning do not wait for drunkeness to abate." I will then smile, nod and go back to sleep.



9:12 12 Marpenoth 1375

Dominu procures 50 feet of rope, chalk, a mirror, a 10 foot pole/walking stick and an additional bag.


I make sure I have all the spell components needed for all of my spells, three daggers, a quarterstaff, a backpack, five days rations, five days water, leather pants and a leather shirt for warmth (neither heavy enough to count as leather armor or interfere with my spell casting), a warm jacket, black boots, five torches, a 20' rope--that's about all I can carry.


Pony Keg of hard cider - 1gp
2 wineskins - 16spIron frying pan - 4sp
Pound of Bacon - 2sp
Butter - 2sp
Whetstone - 2cp
Dozen eggs - 1sp
Cloak - 8sp
Bucket - 5sp
Spool of fishing line - 5sp


*EVERYONE - NEXT TIME TRY WRITING JUST AS IF YOU ARE THE NARRATOR.(EXAMPLE: Azora kneels down on the cold stone floor of his inn room at the Golden Oak and begins to pray to Mystra. His face is stoic as he recounts the severity of his mission and it's success. He speaks in hushed tones "let no harm befall either my new companions or I as we brave the dangers of Faerun." Azora readies Charm Person and checks his pack to make sure everything is secure.)


Monday, December 15, 2008

Post 11

19:38 11 Marpenoth 1375

(Larper) I excitedly stuff the 25 moons into my belt pouch and then very boisterously introduce myself to the quiet companions, grabbing their fore arms and squeezing uncomfortably hard.

"Larper Eyearrell of Sundabar, son of Dellium and apprentice of the Eyearrell empire. Well met, friends! I hope you're ready to clean up after my blade's dirty work, for any foes we meet will not have a clean ending at my hands!"
*To Azora*: "Where are we headed? I'll need to purchase suitable equipment for my steed as well as myself. What mounts do you gentlemen ride? Ponies? Mastiffs? Asses? HAHHAAAHAHA!"

(Dominu Carthii) *To Azora*: "I give leave. I will be at the meet you at the appointed time."
Nodding I turn to my large companion and say: "Would you care to share lodgings, in order to conserve our earnings?" If he says yes: request a modest room with two beds, requesting a quiet area so I may do my evening devotions. If no, request a quiet room for the same.

The next day, I will attempt to procure 50 feet of rope, chalk, a mirror, a 10 foot pole/walking stick and an additional bag. If Larper wishes to come with me, I agree.

I make my way back to the meeting spot making sure to be 10 minutes early ... watching for anything that catches my attention when he arrives (odd behaviors, new companions).

-Everyone please send any requests for equipment to the DM & CC Azora (Tom). I will then contact you to let you know what you obtain in the morning from Silverymoon.

Post 10

19:45 11 Marpenoth 1375

I offer half payment upfront to both my new companions, and explain that the other half will be paid upon completion of the journey.

The rest of the night and early tomorrow should be used for gathering supplies, for which I provide a small stipend.

As for the details of the following day, I just say, "We'll be traveling in an unusual way tomorrow. Please gather your supplies and be ready to leave at noon tomorrow."

Larper and Dominu:
Please note that you still know very little about this man.

Here is what you know:
#1 - He is a mage.
#2 - He has dark, ebony skin which is not common in this part of the world.
#3 - He has been called a "local mage" by some leading you to believe he has been in Silverymoon for some time.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Post 9

Click on the image above to enlarge the map.

19:15 11 Marpenoth 1375

"We'll be leaving soon, just a second."
Then I look around the room for a healer.

I order another ale and excitedly hover around my first ever adventuring companion.

Finding the articulate priest's quiet demeanor and confidence a marriage of traits suitable for the journey ahead, I nod and say, "Follow me." I gesture to the fighter that he's to follow also; I slink out the door with my new companions.

You carefully disappear out the back door into the alleyway. After checking both directions you see a few men gathered at the end closest to the entrance to the Bright Blade Brandished. You turn left and head deeper into the alley, take another left at the next alley intersection and finally a right, exiting out onto the next main road over from the Bright Blade. You glance back to make sure your new companions are still following you, then continue to your destination; the Golden Oak, an inn that doubles as a temple to Shiallia.

Located in Northbank on Dancer's Mask Lane, northeast off Rallowglass Ride, the Golden Oak features cozy, rustic rooms, dim flagstone passages, fragrant herbs, and windowbox ferns, reminding guests of sleeping outdoors in a safe, pleasant corner of the woods. Meeting rooms are available for rent upstairs, while a friendly cellar taproom boasts entertaining gossip downstairs.
All the rooms in this inn open off a central atrium dominated by a huge oak that rises up to the open sky, lanterns descending from it's branches to hang above the tables. Dedicated to the goddess Shiallia, the Golden Oak is favored by druids, rangers, elves, and those who like privacy or peace and quiet. The prices are stiff, but guests can expect superb personal chamber service.

Finally you find yourselves in a private room that sleeps 4 comfortably.

Azora, Dominu, and Larper- it is time for introductions, discussion of payment, and mission/travel plans. Everyone may begin now.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Post 8

As I see the new comer walk in and size up the crowd, I assume he is looking for friends or a place to sit. I wave my arm to him and call: "Hello sir! You look thirsty and in need of a stool! I'm buying ales and whatever else!" (He is the Human Fighter with big muscles)

"I assume you're here about the flier as well," as if I were also answering the flier. "What do you find attractive about a three thousand mile walk to the south?"

"My steed will do the walking for me. Whoever is willing to pay this handsomly for a bodyguard can have my service and need look no further."

I finish my ale and set the mug down as if I've already been chosen. I'll check all the buckles on my armor and equipment which is just an obvious showing off of my muscles and sword. Then I'll pick up the flier again and look at Tom's character assuming he's a healer and start asking questions in a juvenile way:

"Are you a healer? When do we leave? Who pays us? Do we get paid up front or after we are finished? Will there be orcs? I'm getting another ale, do you want one?"


Red = Azora
Green = Larper Eyearrell
Gray = Dominu Carthii
Blue = Wympbumpe Abersaximous Loudhorn