Friday, December 12, 2008

Post 7 - Dominu Carthii

18:11 11 Marpenoth 1375

Dominu Carthii
played by Brandon Nakamura

Character Background:

Dominu Carthii is a Prelate of the Church of Kelemvor. As a cleric of the God of Judgement and Death Carthii has a three aspects to his mission amongst the seculars and followers of other faiths: to help with relieving the pain of the living, and easing the transition into death and obliterating the affront of undeath from the world.

As a child, Dominu lived in upper class comfort with his father, sister and brother (his mother died when he was born) ... his father, the lord of the house of Carthus, took a new beautiful wife soon after his first wife's death. After she entered the household, first his sister, then his brother fell ill and died. As the father fell ill and lay on his deathbed, clerics of the church of Kelemvor beat down the door and revealed his stepmother for the undead abomination she was. His father passed and so he was taken in by the Doomguides and trained as a devotee of the Judge of the Damned.

Dominu is quiet and gentle, rarely raising his voice or showing any emotion. All of his works from the relieving of pain to the destruction of the undead are cast without belying his inner feelings. He is currently on mission, waiting for a sign from the great judge indicating that he is needed for combat against a powerful undead or necromancer.

I turn and quietly address the mage: "Greetings, our paths cross fortuitously as I am on mission for Kelemvor who calls for me to wander the world, testing my will against suffering and abomination. Until such a time as I am called to a greater purpose, I wander this realm ... To you I offer my blade, my strength and my divine enchantments."

1 comment:

  1. I love your background story. For some reason it reminds me of an Orson Scott Card fantasy novel.
