16:30 12 Marpenoth 1375
At my first chance I will go amongst the crew and begin questioning the petty officer that I have access to in a non-busy situation:
"Sir, you are well met. I must admit a great deal of ignorance in the ways of the Gnomish tribes, would you be willing to share a meal and drink with me to educate one ignorant to your ways? I have been allotted a ration of daily rum that I, unfortunately, am unable to partake of." Should the officer accept I will first get them to talk of Gnomish culture and gently guide the conversation towards Dwarves: "So, friend, what about your cousins, the Dwarves? We will be joining them shortly ... what should a traveler know about their manners and ways? None of our party are well versed in what makes them tick." I will use all of my rum ration to loosen his tongue and share my portion of meat rations with him as well.
Dominu speaks with Boatswain Grimnod, who gladly accepts his portion of rum. "Dwarves are tricky ones, aye, very tricky. They like not the big surface folks like yourself. But I do know one very good way to make them see straight. Tug on their beards, it is a sign of respect to them. They also like it when you pat on their heads. Watch out for their sharpened teeth, their warrior class does like to bite!"
*Dominu - Roll a Wisdom check
Larper keeps to himself below deck, pouting over his cider and occasionally engaging in calisthenics. He also frequents the stable where Leonard is being kept to ensure he is fed and well taken care of.
The hard cider is strong and after about 10 pints Larper spills his entire life story to Leonard the horse who listens intently while an entire sack of oats is spread about his on board stables by the drunken Larper.
I'll re memorize charm person and wait for Dominu to get back to me on advice for our mission.
Then I wander about the ship and make conversation with the gnomes.
You study your spell book for a time while the shouting and clanking noises sound above deck. After studying for 11 minutes, you stand up and slam the top of your head into the bunk directly above you for 1 temporary damage point. Rubbing your head and cursing aloud you toss your spell book into your pack and sling it over your shoulder. You then proceed to the top deck and look about for a gnome to converse with. There is a fellow directly above you in a crow's nest. You actually wouldn't mind taking a look at the view but you do remember Section 134, Article 12, Verse B of the document you signed. It stated that "no unauthorized member of the crew may climb or sit in a crow's nest without approval from a member who has access, or by assignment or temporary allowance by the Admiral himself. If the Admiral is not available, the next available ranking officer may grant a temporary allowance for such an individual wishing access to the crow's nest." You look up at Lazzard, the gnome in the nest above you.
Working atop the nest I suppose.... It sure is a bit
windy today. Looking out for high flying bugs, they
get in my mouth all the time at these low elevations.
Lazzard, while scanning the horizon you notice a couple dark specs in the distance. You can't tell if they are heading towards you, or you towards them.
They are airborne though and on a direct collision course with the ship!
*Lazzard make your move.
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