17:10 Marpenoth 12 1375
*Sunset in 10 minutes*
I will check to make sure there are no spots on my spy glass, then double check my sights. If the objects are still there I will squint at them without the spy glass and grunt to myself "Huuuh?". If I still see these objects I will ring the alarm bell. "Objects aproachin' dead ahead!" I will continue to monitor the objects until I can give a positive identification on them.
You call out to the rest of the crew who rush to take their positions. You continue to watch the objects with interest. After about 5 minutes of anticipation you finally start to make out a figure mounted upon a flying beast of some type. It is getting difficult to see as the sun is setting directly behind them. You call out to the rest of the crew what you are seeing and the gnomes rush about and begin to arm the ballistae and prepare their firearms.
As it gets closer you can finally make out what approaches. A lone dark skinned gnome sits tall in the saddle of a beautiful griffon, feathers colored golden with white tips. Three brightly colored gems float about his head and he wears tight red clothing with a golden cloth wrapped around his neck.
One of the gnomes calls out "It's Biddlequick! He's alive!" Biddlequick was thought to have been killed when he fell overboard in a dangerous battle with the Zhentarim near Zhentil Keep months ago! He circles the ship and yells something out to you while waving his hands over his head. You strain your neck and cup your ear trying to hear over the wind. "I'- --ing ----ed! The-'-- c------ --om b-l--- --!" Try as you might you cannot hear what Biddlequick is trying to say, the gnomes cheering below you on deck do not help the situation. As he circles, he points below the ship. You notice a worried look on his face. Then you quickly decipher his message- "I'm being pursued! They're coming from below us!"
It must be the Zhentarim.
Somehow Biddlequick escaped yet he was pursued all the way across the realms. He must have remembered the plot of your ship. He has never ceased to amaze the crew with his picture perfect memory. He can see anything once and recall every last detail.
Your mind begins to reel and you feel a sinking feeling in your gut. You feel your throat closing up.
Roll a Constitution check to open your maw and call out to your comrades, otherwise you will have to wait 1 round before you can speak. You normally aren't this taken aback being a hardened sailor and all, but the Zhentarim are bad news and you already lost your best friend Snadle to them in the last attack. His memory gives you strength and you get a +2 to your Con check!
*Lazzard roll a CON +2 check to warn the gnomes and the PCs of the danger below!*
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