12:01 12 Marpenoth 1375
The streets of Silverymoon are strangly quiet. Walking toward the point of embarkation a boy yells from across the street pointing in the air.
"There's a ship in the sky! There's a ship in the sky!"
Truely? You wonder. Silverymoon is home to many fantastic sites, but none so great as what you witness. Looking toward where the boy is pointing you see a large vessel floating, docked to the Vault of the Sages. As you draw closer a very large crowd of townsfolk have gathered to watch. By the crowd's size and density it looks as though the whole town has come to take a look. Some people gasp in awe, while others jeer mocking the strange looking vessel. Looking closely you see figures on this strange vessel running about, now and again shouts and whistles can be heard.
Steam pours from a spout on the top of the craft between two large masts, their sails being loosened and furled. The sails are white and the bottom of the hull is painted sky blue. Even though the ship is airborn there is a keel and rudder, to those that know, it appears to be a seaworthy vessel if needed. Upon the mast and stern fly a series of flags. [ PLAYERS: heraldry check ]
You move to enter the Vault of Sages but are blocked by a magical forcefield. An old sage steps forward from the building and slowly and thoughtfully takes each step down to street level. The sage wears plain white robes with what looks like a large holy symbol dangling around his neck. As he gets closer you realize it is the symbol of Silverymoon, not a holy symbol. He appears fairly old for a human and has a long white beard and specticles. He moves towards your group, looking you over before holding a hand out towards Azora. "Hail and well met men. I am Huram, sage of Silverymoon. I was sent by Lord Taern "Hornblade" to see you off. Azora, you represent Silverymoon on your journey. We ask that you please remember this in your actions. Your choices affect us all. That said, you do us a great honor by travelling this great distance... Ambassador." Huram winks and smiles knowingly and turns to the rest of the group. "Here, you look trustworthy." Huram thrusts a small object towards Dominu "This is a magical device. If you turn the little glass bead at the end of the rod it will send a signal to us that you are in trouble. We will send help. Use this only if it is a life or death situation. Understand?" The device is a tiny red metal rod with a glass spherical ball attached to the end. It is featureless other than that.
Huram steps aside and speaks a few words to allow just you three into the forcefield. He leads your group up the stairs, into the building, and finally up to the top floor of the highest tower where the magical flying airship awaits!
He looks each and every one of you in the eyes.
Azora - "Remember who you represent. It is not only Silverymoon, it is also our great lady of magic."
Larper - "Although your gear is most comical you have brought a couple things which may be of use on this journey. Try and figure out what they are before your time runs out."
Dominu - "Your presence was unknown to me in my scrying. Perhaps you will serve a purpose unknown as of yet on your great journey. Keep an eye on the warrior fellow, he'll need some help."
"Have a safe journey my friends. I pray to the great goddess Mystra for your safe return."
The ship, fully 65 ft in length is comprised mostly of wood, though there are metal brackets bracing the masts and various areas near the edge of the deck. The ship itself vibrates as though something large is moving beneath the deck. A plank connects the ship to its docking point and a couple of Gnomish sky sailors stand at attention in what seems to be dress clothes. Their outfits seem outlandish to the uninitiated. Wide brimmed hats with a long pea coat buttoned to the top the collar raised to nose level. Goggles cover their eyes, each sailor is armed with a sword, sheathed at this time. They welcome you aboard the Bruddwyd in broken common.
"There's a ship in the sky! There's a ship in the sky!"
Truely? You wonder. Silverymoon is home to many fantastic sites, but none so great as what you witness. Looking toward where the boy is pointing you see a large vessel floating, docked to the Vault of the Sages. As you draw closer a very large crowd of townsfolk have gathered to watch. By the crowd's size and density it looks as though the whole town has come to take a look. Some people gasp in awe, while others jeer mocking the strange looking vessel. Looking closely you see figures on this strange vessel running about, now and again shouts and whistles can be heard.
Steam pours from a spout on the top of the craft between two large masts, their sails being loosened and furled. The sails are white and the bottom of the hull is painted sky blue. Even though the ship is airborn there is a keel and rudder, to those that know, it appears to be a seaworthy vessel if needed. Upon the mast and stern fly a series of flags. [ PLAYERS: heraldry check ]
You move to enter the Vault of Sages but are blocked by a magical forcefield. An old sage steps forward from the building and slowly and thoughtfully takes each step down to street level. The sage wears plain white robes with what looks like a large holy symbol dangling around his neck. As he gets closer you realize it is the symbol of Silverymoon, not a holy symbol. He appears fairly old for a human and has a long white beard and specticles. He moves towards your group, looking you over before holding a hand out towards Azora. "Hail and well met men. I am Huram, sage of Silverymoon. I was sent by Lord Taern "Hornblade" to see you off. Azora, you represent Silverymoon on your journey. We ask that you please remember this in your actions. Your choices affect us all. That said, you do us a great honor by travelling this great distance... Ambassador." Huram winks and smiles knowingly and turns to the rest of the group. "Here, you look trustworthy." Huram thrusts a small object towards Dominu "This is a magical device. If you turn the little glass bead at the end of the rod it will send a signal to us that you are in trouble. We will send help. Use this only if it is a life or death situation. Understand?" The device is a tiny red metal rod with a glass spherical ball attached to the end. It is featureless other than that.
Huram steps aside and speaks a few words to allow just you three into the forcefield. He leads your group up the stairs, into the building, and finally up to the top floor of the highest tower where the magical flying airship awaits!
He looks each and every one of you in the eyes.
Azora - "Remember who you represent. It is not only Silverymoon, it is also our great lady of magic."
Larper - "Although your gear is most comical you have brought a couple things which may be of use on this journey. Try and figure out what they are before your time runs out."
Dominu - "Your presence was unknown to me in my scrying. Perhaps you will serve a purpose unknown as of yet on your great journey. Keep an eye on the warrior fellow, he'll need some help."
"Have a safe journey my friends. I pray to the great goddess Mystra for your safe return."
The ship, fully 65 ft in length is comprised mostly of wood, though there are metal brackets bracing the masts and various areas near the edge of the deck. The ship itself vibrates as though something large is moving beneath the deck. A plank connects the ship to its docking point and a couple of Gnomish sky sailors stand at attention in what seems to be dress clothes. Their outfits seem outlandish to the uninitiated. Wide brimmed hats with a long pea coat buttoned to the top the collar raised to nose level. Goggles cover their eyes, each sailor is armed with a sword, sheathed at this time. They welcome you aboard the Bruddwyd in broken common.
*Extra thanks goes out to Eric Madsen for his help on this post!*
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