18:07 11 Marpenoth
Character Background:
Larper is the son of a relatively wealthy carpenter and has had an easy childhood. He is the third of four boys and grew up with little hardship, but constantly being chided and beat up by his brothers. He worked as an apprentice in the family business and learned his trade (carpentry) from his father, and also learned to ride well by running errands between his father's business and building sites on the company horses. All the lifting, carrying, and building from a young age in addition to fighting off his brothers has left him with a formidable size (Str: 18(60)). He was privileged enough to be trained in fighting once his father realized he could hold his own fighting against his older siblings (bastard sword specialization), so he has a lot of skill with the weapon but has still had an easy life. Due to the nature of his family business, he has spent a lot of time with Dwarves at build sites in and around Sundabar and can speak the language fluently.
As a young adult he has become bored with family life and has set out in search of adventure. He's been *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************.
As parting gifts, his Dwarven friend Peterek Greathammer forged him a Finely crafted Dwarven Breastplate. Shaped with magical dwarven hammers and forged in the fires of Mythril Hall, this armor is strong indeed (+1 non-magical, takes no DP except by charging attacks in which case it takes half.)
***Regarding Dellium Eyearrel – Larper’s father:
Larper’s father Dellium Eyearrell was a foot soilder in the Sundabar military for 8 years of his life. During that time he was sent on many missions dealing with Orc raiders in the mountains. He picked up their tongue and has passed it along to his sons in case they ever encounter Orcs in the wilderness and need to parlay to avoid a fight (or start one). Dellium settled down in a small village just outside of Sundabar where he started his carpentry business which took off immediately.***
Larper has left the Sundabar area and travelled to nearby Silverymoon in search of adventure and excitement. Running into a dwarf he knew from a job a couple years back, Larper learned of a local mage seeking an armed escort on “a quest of utmost importance to faraway lands.” His friend gave him a flier he had received from a weapons dealer in town. It continued on as such: “Little danger will be involved, but I require a man or woman of good character and disposition, capable of wielding a blade should the need arise. A cleric will also be required for healing and providing wise advice on this journey. Payment will be in the form of 50 Moons each (100gp!) for 22 days travel and 7-10 days work. I will cover all expenses travel and food related. For those interested, please meet me at the Bright Blade Brandished on the 11th of Marpenoth at sundown.”
Today is the 11th of Marpenoth! You have just arrived at the Bright Blade Brandished and there is a ragtag group of mercenaries in the back of the room. You proceed to the back and order an ale. After 10 minutes a cleric approaches you and starts some small talk about the weather. Before long you two are deeply immersed in discussion and fail to notice the mage come in until he is just finishing his wine after looking the whole group over. The mage dismisses a large amount of the mercenaries and you and the cleric are still here! You hope he chooses you for the mission!
As I see the newcomer walk in and size up the crowd, I assume he is looking for friends or a place to sit. I wave my arm to him and call: "Hello sir! You look thirsty and in need of a stool! I'm buying ales and whatever else!"
(For more details on the Bright Blade Brandished read “Post 3”).
Larper Eyearrell
played by Jonathan Weisnewski
played by Jonathan Weisnewski
Character Background:
Larper is the son of a relatively wealthy carpenter and has had an easy childhood. He is the third of four boys and grew up with little hardship, but constantly being chided and beat up by his brothers. He worked as an apprentice in the family business and learned his trade (carpentry) from his father, and also learned to ride well by running errands between his father's business and building sites on the company horses. All the lifting, carrying, and building from a young age in addition to fighting off his brothers has left him with a formidable size (Str: 18(60)). He was privileged enough to be trained in fighting once his father realized he could hold his own fighting against his older siblings (bastard sword specialization), so he has a lot of skill with the weapon but has still had an easy life. Due to the nature of his family business, he has spent a lot of time with Dwarves at build sites in and around Sundabar and can speak the language fluently.
As a young adult he has become bored with family life and has set out in search of adventure. He's been *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************.
As parting gifts, his Dwarven friend Peterek Greathammer forged him a Finely crafted Dwarven Breastplate. Shaped with magical dwarven hammers and forged in the fires of Mythril Hall, this armor is strong indeed (+1 non-magical, takes no DP except by charging attacks in which case it takes half.)
***Regarding Dellium Eyearrel – Larper’s father:
Larper’s father Dellium Eyearrell was a foot soilder in the Sundabar military for 8 years of his life. During that time he was sent on many missions dealing with Orc raiders in the mountains. He picked up their tongue and has passed it along to his sons in case they ever encounter Orcs in the wilderness and need to parlay to avoid a fight (or start one). Dellium settled down in a small village just outside of Sundabar where he started his carpentry business which took off immediately.***
Larper has left the Sundabar area and travelled to nearby Silverymoon in search of adventure and excitement. Running into a dwarf he knew from a job a couple years back, Larper learned of a local mage seeking an armed escort on “a quest of utmost importance to faraway lands.” His friend gave him a flier he had received from a weapons dealer in town. It continued on as such: “Little danger will be involved, but I require a man or woman of good character and disposition, capable of wielding a blade should the need arise. A cleric will also be required for healing and providing wise advice on this journey. Payment will be in the form of 50 Moons each (100gp!) for 22 days travel and 7-10 days work. I will cover all expenses travel and food related. For those interested, please meet me at the Bright Blade Brandished on the 11th of Marpenoth at sundown.”
Today is the 11th of Marpenoth! You have just arrived at the Bright Blade Brandished and there is a ragtag group of mercenaries in the back of the room. You proceed to the back and order an ale. After 10 minutes a cleric approaches you and starts some small talk about the weather. Before long you two are deeply immersed in discussion and fail to notice the mage come in until he is just finishing his wine after looking the whole group over. The mage dismisses a large amount of the mercenaries and you and the cleric are still here! You hope he chooses you for the mission!
As I see the newcomer walk in and size up the crowd, I assume he is looking for friends or a place to sit. I wave my arm to him and call: "Hello sir! You look thirsty and in need of a stool! I'm buying ales and whatever else!"
(For more details on the Bright Blade Brandished read “Post 3”).
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