Sunday, December 21, 2008

Post 20

15:40 12 Marpenoth 1375

After everyone has settled in and deposited their gear to their rooms you all meet with Azora privately for a debriefing. Larper, you notice Azora seems a little frustrated with the space situation in your shared room since you have pots, pans, and even a pony keg in there.

Azora speaks at a volume scarcely above the hum of the clockwork airship's whirring gears, and raises an eyebrow before speaking.

"Waiting until we were in medias res before going over details of our duties was necessary—aboard the airship, we are not subject to any scrying spells except those cast by the gnomes themselves. And they are trusted—if fastidious—allies."

"We serve Silverymoon, officially there to observe the coronation of the new king, Dendarban Yveldson Mythrilhelm of Moradin's Shield, as King Kherban Bekkleweld Mythrilhelm of Moradin's Hammer recently passed away. The ceremony is as much a celebration of King Kherban's life and honor as it is a ritual anointing the new king. The halls of Eartheart will swell with the statesmen in attendance. Representatives from friendly nations as far away as Calimshan and Anauroch will be there."

"In official capacities, these emissaries are expected to pay homage to a great dwarf who served his people and to offer the new king counsel and friendship. Serving Lady Alustriel, we are no exception."

"In unofficial capacities, more subtle agencies of statecraft will be employed as competing nations and cities vie for preference—"

[The engine makes a strange noise suddenly. Some yelling is heard above deck and after some pounding sounds the engine noise returns to normal.]

Azora continues as if uninterrupted.

"…vie for preference over important trade routes the dwarves in Eartheart oversee and for trade with the dwarves themselves. Fortunes are made with the goodwill of the dwarves of the Great Rift, whose predilection for the finest gems, the most flawless precious metals and exquisite craftsmanship of the highest caliber is of standards expected only from the most powerful dwarven nation in the Realms."

"The dwarves, of course, are aware of all of this, and have taken precautions necessary to keep the celebration from growing mired in intrigue—though they must have their own purposes. The invitation of nondwarves to the ceremony anointing the new king is unprecedented, and the statesmen of Silverymoon expect that King Dendarban has broken tradition because he fears rumors of Eartheart's weakness now that he is to be king. Expect demonstrations of Eartheart's strength as the new king lets the world know that the dwarves of the Great Rift are as formidable, if not more so, than they have ever been."

"Now, for our roles. Silverymoon officials have reason to believe that the dwarves of Eartheart are being spied upon, though how, and by whom, is unknown. It is feared that the dwarves' planned demonstrations of strength—a strength that the peace of the region relies upon—is being undermined. More than a few disagreements have been settled with words instead of swords because the parties involved feared angering the dwarves of Eartheart."

"In addition to representing Silverymoon as emissaries, we are to seek out evidence of this rumor and do what we can to protect the king and the dwarves' reputation. As a party, we are perfect because we will be so readily overlooked. Some of the Realms' most renowned sages, famous generals, powerful wizards and richest merchants will be in attendance. We will be invisible among them."

"You were hired as bodyguards, though not quiet ones. Dominu, may I ask you to discuss with the gnomes aboard the ship nuances of dwarven etiquette we should be prepared for? And Larper"—here Azora winces at the memory of beer breath and sleep farts—"try not to get too drunk."

Azora, Larper, and Dominu - Make your statements and actions known via email to the DM ONLY!
Lazzard & Wympbumpe - Where are you on the ship and what are you doing? Also, please make your private reponses to the DM ONLY!

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